Yesterday, we were challenged to pray for neighbors who live near us. Today, we pray for our pastor.
By pastor, I mean the primary person who feeds you spiritually. Think of the person who teaches you on Sunday morning as you sit in the pew or who ministers to your heart as you watch online or who preaches God’s Word as you drive back and forth to work each day. If multiple people nourish your soul, help you draw closer to God, or teach you His Word, don’t worry about covering them all today. Focus on the one who’s most responsible for spiritually nurturing you in this season of your life.
Still don’t know what to pray exactly? Let me offer you a way to pray for your pastor: this morning, pray for your pastor’s health and well being; this afternoon, pray for your pastor’s family and relationships; this evening, pray for your pastor’s ministry to you and to others.
Your prayers matter. Spend time this morning praying for the person(s) who helps you grow spiritually and encourages you in faithfulness to God.
This afternoon you’ll be praying for your pastor’s ministry.
1. Preaching - Pray that your pastor’s preaching would be bold and Christ-centered. In a world that is growing antagonistic to Christianity, pray that your pastor or spiritual leader would have the courage and tenacity to preach God’s Word fully and to focus on the saving work of Jesus Christ.
2. Teaching - Pray that your pastor’s teaching would be faithful to the Scriptures. Ask God to bless your pastor’s study and preparation. Ask that your pastor’s teaching would glorify Jesus Christ and build up the body of Christ.
3. Leadership - Pray that your pastor would lead well. Ask God to give your pastor a vision for the life of the church and the growth of its people. Ask God to give your pastor wisdom for how to execute that vision. Ask God to bless your pastor with other strong healthy leaders in the body to do the work your church has been called to do.
4. Ministry to Individuals - Pray that your pastor would be faithful in ministering to those in your congregation. As you do, pray through your pastor’s various weekly interactions with people: counseling, meetings, phone calls, emails, personal visits, meetings before ceremonies like marriages and baptisms, and so on.
This evening, pray for your pastor’s family. Be thoughtful in how you think of your pastor’s family!
• Pray for your pastor's spouse. Pray for that precious one to be blessed and to be a blessing to your pastor.
• Pray for the needs of their children, as well as wisdom and insight for your pastor.
• Pray for their family members—siblings, parents, or others— with special challenges.
• Ask God to cover what you don’t know about your pastor’s family. Ask for God’s Spirit to join your prayers for your pastor and your pastor’s family.
Satan is real, and he has drawn a target on the backs of those who lead others toward righteousness. Pray for protection, covering, wholeness, and deep abiding love and commitment.
From Chrystal Evans Hursts' The 28-Day Prayer Journey