Greetings SMZBC Music Ministry Members,

We hope that you will join us for Mass Choir rehearsals this week. Rehearsals will be taking place on Thursday, September 5, 2024 at 6:30 PM and on Saturday, September 7, 2024 at 10:30 AM. Attendance to both rehearsals is strongly encouraged. Please consider joining us and spreading the word to someone else who may want to lift their voice with us. Please see the lyrics and videos for our two exciting selections below. Have a blessed day.


Musically Yours,


Min. Andrew Miles, Jr.

Music Coordinator

Sixth Mount Zion Baptist Church



Excellent is Your Name



Oh Lord Our God

How Excellent Is Your Name

We Bow At Your Feet For We Rev'rence Your Holy Name



Angels Bow Before You

Heaven And Earth Adore You

Oh Lord Our God

How Excellent Is Your Name




Holy Holy 

Holy Holy



Oh Lord Our God How Excellent 

Holy Holy



Angels Bow Before You 

Holy Holy



Angels Bow Before You 

Heaven And Earth Adore You

Oh Lord Our God 

How Excellent is Your Name


“Oh, How Precious”- Kathy Taylor


Lead - When your lonely

and your heart is filled with despair

remember God cares


Choir - God cares for you


Lead - And when you're in doubt and you can't find your way out He will see you through yes He will


Choir - See you through, see you through 


Just call on the name of Jesus. 

Just call His name out loud



(Tenor): Oh how precious 

(Sop/Alto): Precious, 



(All) Precious is His name



Oh –how- prec-ious is the name, of Jesus oooooo


 Oh –how- prec-ious is the name of Jesus ooooooo


Jesus (9X)